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June 6, 2023

Top 6 Best Surrogacy Centre in Mysore – Karnataka with Highly Qualified Doctors 2023

Have your genetic baby through surrogacy!

Surrogacy is the high success of providing treatment that helps couples to have their biological baby or become a single parent with it. 

It is the treatment where the surrogate mother carries the couple’s baby in her womb till delivery. It can be done in two ways which are known as traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. 

The treatments come under ART technology where the eggs and sperm get fertilized in the lab through some medication and further, the prepared embryo gets transferred into the lab. 

In this post, we are explaining the list of best Surrogacy Centre in Mysore – Karnataka. With its average cost of surrogacy and surrogacy cost table. 

Why should you trust SELECT IVF for Surrogacy in Goa?

  • First-stage top counseling sessions
  • Premium services and processes
  • Highly competent specialists for Surrogacy treatment in Mangalore – Karnataka 
  • Sky-high surrogacy success rates in Mangalore – Karnataka 
  • Contact us Email ID: [email protected]
  • Call us: +91- 9899293903 

What is the procedure of Surrogacy in Mysore – Karnataka 

The procedure of surrogacy is about where the surrogate mother carries the couple’s baby in her womb till delivery. Further, the surrogate mother gives the baby back to the couple. There are two ways to complete the treatment including traditional surrogacy, and gestational surrogacy. 

Traditional surrogacy 

The treatment of traditional surrogacy is about the IUI procedure. In this procedure, the male spouse will be asked to give good-quality semen to transfer into the surrogate mother’s uterus. 

The procedure is done by following some steps including consultation, semen collection, sperm transfer, and pregnancy test

The procedure begins with the constitution where the male spouse and surrogate mother will be examined with some tests including ultrasound, blood test, and semen analysis. Through these tests, the specialist will know about the current condition of their reproductive system of theirs. 

As per the result, the specialist will know whether the surrogate mother can carry the couple’s baby or not. Is she healthy or eligible for the treatment? 

Further, the treatment begins when the male spouse will be asked for fresh semen. Then the specialist will collect good-quality sperm from the male spouse to transfer it into the surrogate mother’s uterus. 

Two weeks after sperm transfer the pregnancy test is done to know whether the surrogate mother conceives or not. 

Gestational surrogacy 

The treatment of gestational surrogacy is about where the treatment is completed through IVF treatments. In this procedure, the spouse particles get combined to prepare an embryo that will be transferred into the surrogate mother’s uterus. 

The treatment begins when the couple and surrogate mother get examined with some tests including ultrasound and blood test and semen analysis. Through these tests, the specialist will know the condition of their reproductive system.  

As per the result, the specialist will know whether the surrogate mother can carry the couple’s baby in her womb or not. And the further procedure gets done where the couple will undergo some medication if required depending on the quality of particles. 

The medication procedure is done for 12 to 15 days until the particles get matured. At the stage when the particles get mature then the couples keep the particles on the same cultural dish for a few days until it changes into an embryo. 

At the stage when the embryo gets changed into an embryo then the specialist transfers the embryo into the surrogate mother’s uterus. And two weeks later there will be a pregnancy test to know whether the embryo is surviving into the uterus.

What is the Cost Affecting Elements in Mysore – Karnataka

The cost is the element that gets affected easily by some of the elements. All the main elements have been explained below, check them out and improve your budget thus during the treatment you will not have to break your banks. 

Diagnostic Test 

There is a diagnostic test done before going for treatment to know the cause of infertility. In this diagnostic, the couples undergo some tests such as blood tests, ultrasounds, semen analysis, etc. These tests will help to identify the best treatment for the couple which gives them high success possibilities by selecting the best treatment as per their requirements. 

Graphis location 

Graphics is an essential factor that affects the cost of the treatment. Because the cost gets charged as per the living standards of people, the price of the treatment in urban areas will be more affordable than the cost of the treatment in cities. So while preparing a budget check out the location of the Centre to minimize your cost. 

Surrogacy agency 

The surrogacy agency is the third party that helps the couples by providing them with the best surrogate mother which suits them. A surrogacy agency is a party that also protects the ones by making contracts between both parties. Through this contract, the parties will be protected during the treatment. 

Travel expenses

During the treatment, there will be many visits required to one during the treatment into the Centre.  Also if the couple is taking treatment in another country where they live it can affect the cost. Because in that case some of the extra expenses will be included such as traveling expenses, home, food, etc. 

Top 6 Best Surrogacy Centre in Mysore – Karnataka 

1. Select IVF

The Centre Select IVF is a tourism company that provides infertility services worldwide. It offers different types of infertility treatments including IUI, IVF, ICSI, surrogacy, egg freezing, egg donor, sperm donor, etc. 

There is a group of highly qualified doctors who hold over 30 years of experience that have treated many complicated problems. Through this team of doctors, couples can have a high chance to conceive. 

The staff of the Centre are well trained and qualified and provide a supportive and friendly environment to the couples to make them feel comfortable. 

2. Santasa IVF

The Centre Santasa IVF is a well-known infertility Centre that provides infertility services to make couples happy by treating their infertility complications. It offers different types of treatments including IUI, test tube baby, ICSI, altruistic surrogacy, ovulation monitoring, etc. 

The couple will get in touch with a highly experienced team of doctors including gynecologists, embryologists, and urologists. The couple can have a high chance to conceive through this. 

The staff of the Centre are well friendly and responsible and provide a positive and supportive environment to couples. 

  • Website link –

3. World fertility service 

The Centre World fertility services is a well-known infertility Centre that was established with the aim to provide high-quality infertility services for sterility at affordable prices. It offers varieties of services including hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, IUI, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, etc. 

The couple will meet with a highly qualified team of doctors including gynecologists, embryologists, and urologists. Through this highly qualified and experienced team of experts, couples can have high chances to conceive. 

The staff of the Centre is well trained and qualified and provides a positive and supportive environment to couples to make them feel comfortable. 

  • Website link –

4. Mysuru Fertility Centre

The Centre Mysuru Fertility Centre was established with the aim to explore infertility treatment for couples to make their dream come true. It provides various types of infertility treatments including IUI, test tube baby, ICSI, surrogacy, male infertility, female infertility, etc. 

The couple will meet with a highly qualified team of doctors including gynecologists, embryologists, and urologists. Through this highly qualified team of doctors, couples can have a high success rate. 

The staff of the Centre are well trained and have experience that provides a supportive and positive environment.  

  • Website link –

5. We Care IVF Surrogacy 

The Centre We Care IVF Surrogacy was founded with the aim to provide all types of infertility treatment to make couples happy through their services. It offers different infertility treatments including IUI, In vitro fertilization, ICSI, male infertility, and female infertility. 

The couple will meet with a highly trained and experienced team of doctors including gynecologists, embryologists, and urologists. They work on the root cause to maximize the success rate. 

The staff of the Centre is responsible and trained to provide mental support to the couples to make them feel comfortable and stress-free. 

  • Website link – 

6. Chaitanya Maternity and fertility center 

The Centre Chaitanya Maternity was founded with the aim to help infertile couples who are seeking treatment. It offers a variety of treatments including IUI, IVF, ICSI, surrogacy, male infertility, female infertility, etc. 

The couple will get in touch with highly trained and experienced who hold years of experience in this field where they have treated many complicated infertility treatments. 

The staff of the Centre has training and experience that provides a supportive and comfortable environment to make couples feel comfortable. 

  • Website link –

Top 4 Best Surrogacy Doctors in Mysore – Karnataka 

  1. Dr. Bharathi V

Get in touch with the highly passionate and educated Dr. Bharathi V. . she holds over 33 years of experience and she is a professional Gynaecologist, obstetrician, and infertility specialist. 

She completed her degree in Mbbs from the Rajiv Gandhi University of health science in 2009 and did her MD in obstetrics and gynecology in 2015 from the same university. 

She provides different types of infertility services including IUI, test tube baby, ICSI, male infertility, female infertility, egg donation, etc. She has faced many complicated infertility problems. 

2. Dr. K S Soubhagyalaxmi 

Meet with the well-known and qualified Dr. K S Soubhagyalaxmi. She holds over 45 years of experience in this field where they have treated many complicated infertility problems and made the couple’s dream true. 

She completed her MBBS from Karnataka University in 1971. She completed her DGO from Mysore University in india. And additionally, she did her MD obstetrician and gynecologist at Bangalore University in 1988

She provides different types of infertility treatments including IUI, female sexual problems, IVF, laparoscopy, etc. 

3. Dr. Rashmi BN

Dr. Rashmika BN is a highly professional gynecologist and infertility specialist. Who holds around 31 years of experience. She completed her MBBS from the government medical college in Mysore, in 1992. She completed her DGO from the University of Mysore in 1996. She is an expert in many treatments including IUI, IVF, etc. 

4. Dr. Nivedita Shetty 

Get in touch with the highly professional obstetrician and gynecologist dr. Nivedita. She holds over 18 years of experience in this field where she has completed many infertility problems. 

She completed her MBBS from kasturba medical college in 1994. Then she completed her MD obstetrician and gynecologist from the same college in 1998. She has also done MRCOG from the royal college of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 2002. 

She services different types of infertility treatments including Nuchal Translucency Scan, Gynaecological Endoscopy, Lactation Counselling, Abortion / Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP), Fertility Conserving Procedures, etc.

Comprehensive Surrogacy Cost in Mangalore, Karnataka 

Cost is an unstable component that gets affected easily by many aspects. One of the main aspects is the location as per the living of people that cost gets charged. So while undergoing the treatment one needs to ensure the location and living of people in the area where they want to get treatment. As per that they could prepare their budget without breaking the bank. The average price of surrogacy in Mangalore – Karnataka is 1o lakhs to 15 lakhs including all the expenses such as medication, clothes, food, etc. The average charges of surrogacy in Mangalore – Karnataka also depend on the clinic and service as well. 

Surrogacy ProcedureCost (Surrogacy Package)
Surrogacy using own eggs & own spermsRs. 15 Lakh To 18 Lakh
Surrogacy by donor eggs and own spermsRs. 16 Lakh to 19 Lakh
Surrogacy with donor sperms and own eggsRs. 16 Lakh to 20 Lakh
IVF (cost) & Embryo Transfer (Cost)Up to Rs. 4 Lakh
Surrogate Mother Selection (Cost)+ Blood Tests (Cost) + Surrogate Mother Preparation (Cost)Up to Rs. 2 Lakh
Normal Vaginal Delivery CostUp to Rs. 70,000
cesarean section or C-section Delivery CostUp to Rs. 1 Lakh to 2 Lakh
Housing for Surrogate mother (Cost) + Food (Cost)Up to Rs. 3 Lakh

The success rate of Surrogacy in Mangalore – Karnataka 

Don’t you think you are missing something? The success possibilities of surrogacy in Mangalore – Karnataka. Yes, you should be aware of the success possibilities that you get through surrogacy treatment. As you are investing your time and money in treatment to achieve your desire without getting aware of success and possibilities is not good. So whenever you are having a treatment get ensured with your success possibilities through your doctors. If you want a rough idea then the table will help you. In this table, we have explained the average success possibilities of surrogacy in Mangalore – Karnataka.

Surrogacy treatmentsThe success rate of surrogacy
Surrogacy using own eggs & own sperms( gestational surrogacy)75% to 95%
Surrogacy by donor eggs and own sperms( traditional surrogacy)85% to 95%
Surrogacy with donor sperms and own eggs80 %to 90%
IVF  & Embryo Transfer 85% to 90%

There are different ways to complete surrogacy which have been explained above in the post.  Gestational surrogacy provides a 75 to 95% guarantee whereas traditional surrogacy provides more than 80 to 95% success possibilities. If the couples require it then they can go for the donor’s sperm and embryo which gives them more than 90% success possibilities. As they will get high-quality embryos that will be fertilized and survive in a uterus. 

Points need to be considered while taking surrogacy services in Mangalore – Karnataka 

There are points that need to be considered before going to treatment. The Centre you are going to suggest is select IVF which provides you with all the services that you need during treatment. The one will get well-trained staff which ensures the environment is friendly with the team of doctors including gynecologists, embryologists, and urologists. For more info read the points written below:

i. The patient-focused assistance of the Centre 

ii. Professionals with extensive education and experience

iii. Infrastructure that is well-built for maximum comfort and happiness

iv. The entire medical staff treats you with respect

v. Assists you throughout the whole process from the beginning

vi. Offers transparent fees and processes

You have the option of choosing IVF for all of these! So, reach out to us at +91- 9899293903 | Email ID: [email protected]


In short, the aim of the blog is to provide high-quality services with the list of best surrogacy Centre in Mysore – Karnataka. In this post the surrogacy treatment is explained, the treatment is about where the eggs and sperm get fertilized in the lab to transfer the embryo into the surrogate mother’s uterus known as gestational surrogacy. In brief, surrogacy is about where the surrogate mother carries the couple’s baby in her womb. To know more about it check out the blog till the end and know about it. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Will the surrogate mother legally protect?

Yes, the surrogate mother will be legally protected in surrogacy as she is allowed to have someone’s baby through surrogacy. 

Who can choose surrogacy to complete their family?

Surrogacy is the one type of infertility that gets selected by ones who are same-sex, lose the reproductive system, are single parents, etc. 

Is surrogacy allowed in india?

There are two legal factors of surrogacy: commercial surrogacy and altruistic surrogacy. Altruistic surrogacy is legal in India where commercial surrogacy is banned. 

Does the surrogate mother need to be examined before surrogacy treatment?

The surrogate mother needs to be examined before the surrogacy treatment as it is important for the baby in case there will be any disease found in her which can transfer into a baby. 

What is altruistic surrogacy?

Altruistic surrogacy is the law of surrogacy where the treatment is done without exchanging money in exchange for service. 

What is the duration of surrogacy?

The duration of surrogacy is around 10 months including another stage that is done in the benign of surrogacy. Also, the pregnancy duration is included. 

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