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June 17, 2024

Sperm Freezing in India

Sperm freezing India: last option for every sperm searching sterile parents to start the new life

Sperm freezing is the last but not the least option for the male struggling with sperm search and the fertility treatment. These days infertility in the male has been a common problem due to the serious and hectic lifestyle of the individual. Sperm is the fluid contained in the male ejaculate or the fluid called semen. For over last six decades, sperm freezing is found to be an alternative option to the infertility treatment of male. In the procedure sperm is freeze at the environment similar to the environment of the sperms natural location. The temperature is maintained at very low where freezing takes place and the quality of the sperm is maintained in the best way.

Why do a male need to freeze the sperm?

Sperm freezing India

Sperm freezing also allows your sperm to be used in future which might be by you or by somebody else. Either in some cases, people opt for the sperm freezing procedure for the following purpose

  • One is to have a vasectomy
  • Having a deteriorating record of sperm count
  • Difficulty to have the sample on the same day of the need of the treatment
  • Individual really wants to donate the sperm
  • A medical issue that will affect your future infertility

Sperm freezing India: reputed treatment over the world with the highest success rate over the globe

Sperm freezing India is the treatment of male infertility with a high reputation and success over the globe. India is serving the procedure with the highest success rate over the globe. For the best care and tradition, many people from different corners of the world visit to India to get the best sperm at best quality.  The procedure involves the least invasive method for the sperm ejection from the male body. The sperm freezing procedure in India is safe to the donor and acceptor both. From the procedure, both the party gets benefited- first the donor will get the heavy amount in spite of the sperm he donates and second the sterile male searching for the best sperm will get and have a new life started.  Sperm freezing India preserves the quality of sperm for the male accepting the sperm. At the centre of sperm freezing in India have the qualified sperms and the best caring team for the patient needed with help. The sperm samples are taken in more in number than the number needed for the treatment. With the risk of sperm deterioration, the sperm is taken in more in number.

Sperm freezing cost India: a cost coming under your pocket would fuel the hope and faith for the sperm freezing in India

Sperm freezing cost India is a cost of the sperm freezing procedure which comes under the pocket of the patient and thus hope and faith in the procedure in India increase. The successful centre to start with the sperm freezing procedure has attracted the patients from over the globe. The total of the cost will vary from case to case, if the patient wants to freeze the own sperm for ay fixed time period then it will cost less than the donor’s sperm if freeze. Any donor who wants their sperm to freeze and have the amount will be paid more and the time the sperm is frozen depends on the demand. Thus, this sperm would be costly as it might be preserved from over a long time period. In your first freeze and the one-year storage charge will be 425 USD. The sperm freeze charge will include all the charges till the patient is handed over with sperm and used in the assisted fertilization.

    Book Your Free Consultation!

    Can you freeze your sperm without the cash? : Our centre finds all the alternative options for the intending patient

     Yes, you can freeze your sperm without cash also. In many cases, the centre would help the patient in the way that they would not demand any amount at the time of sperm freezing if they really do not have. At the time of IVF treatment, the patient would take or use their sperm they will be charged at that time. It is easy for the candidate to manage the amount at sometimes later. Thus, in many ways we provide financial support to the intending patients for sperm freezing.

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