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October 17, 2023

Best Surrogacy Centre in Madurai 2023: Guiding You to Parenthood

Madurai, known for its rich cultural heritage, is also home to a beacon of hope for those seeking parenthood – the best surrogacy centre in Madurai. In a city that cherishes tradition and progress, the journey to parenthood takes on a unique significance. This article digs into the unprecedented universe of surrogacy in Madurai, investigating the characteristics and administrations that settle on this middle the favored decision for people and couples leaving on the amazing surrogacy journey.

Surrogacy post

Why should you trust SELECT IVF for Surrogacy in Madurai?

  • First-stage top counseling sessions
  • Premium services and processes
  • Highly competent specialists for surrogacy treatment in Madurai
  • Sky-high surrogacy success rates in Madurai
  • Contact us Email ID: [email protected]
  • Call us: +91- 8447592299

Understanding Surrogacy

Surrogacy is a reproductive arrangement that enables individuals or couples who are unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy to have a child. It involves a woman, known as the surrogate mother, carrying and giving birth to a baby on behalf of the intended parents. Surrogacy has become a vital option in the field of assisted reproduction, offering hope and a viable solution for those facing infertility challenges, medical conditions, or other circumstances that prevent natural conception.

Types of Surrogacy

There are two primary types of surrogacy:

  • Traditional Surrogacy: In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother’s own eggs are used, making her the biological mother of the child. This method is less common today due to legal and emotional complexities.
  • Gestational Surrogacy: Gestational surrogacy is the more prevalent and legally recognized form. In this method, the surrogate mother carries a child conceived using either the intended mother’s or a donor’s eggs, along with the intended father’s sperm or a donor’s sperm. The surrogate has no genetic relationship to the child, making it a preferred choice for many.

Reasons for Choosing Surrogacy

People turn to surrogacy for various reasons, including:

  • Infertility: Couples who have struggled with infertility due to factors like blocked fallopian tubes, male infertility, or unexplained infertility often opt for surrogacy.
  • Medical Conditions: Women who cannot carry a pregnancy due to medical conditions such as uterine anomalies or recurrent pregnancy loss may choose surrogacy.
  • Same-Sex Couples: Same-sex male couples and some female couples rely on surrogacy to have biological children.
  • Surrogacy by Choice: Some individuals or couples opt for surrogacy for personal or lifestyle reasons, even if they are capable of conceiving naturally.

The Surrogacy Process

The surrogacy journey involves several stages, including:

  • Intake and Screening: Surrogacy agencies or clinics assess both the surrogate and intended parents to ensure they are suitable candidates for the process. This includes medical and psychological evaluations.
  • Matching: Once reasonable matches are found, the substitute and planned guardians lay out a legitimate understanding illustrating their jobs, obligations, and assumptions.
  • Medical Procedures: In gestational surrogacy, the planned mother or a benefactor goes through ovarian feeling and egg recovery. Preparation happens in the lab, and coming about undeveloped organisms are moved to the surrogate’s uterus.
  • Pregnancy and Birth: The substitute conveys the pregnancy to term, going to normal pre-birth check-ups, and in the long run bringing forth the kid. After birth, legal cycles are finished to lay out parental freedoms.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

Surrogacy includes complex ethical and legal issues, including the freedoms as well as expectations of all gatherings included, the potential for debates, and the requirement for complete lawful arrangements. Regulations connected with surrogacy differ generally by nation and even inside locales, making it fundamental to painstakingly explore these perspectives.

In Addition, surrogacy is a transformative regenerative choice that offers trust and potential outcomes to people and couples facing obstacles on their journey to parenthood. It includes different medical, emotional, ethical, and lawful contemplations, and picking the correct way requires cautious idea, exploration, and direction from qualified experts.

Best surrogacy clinic in Madurai

Selecting the Right Surrogacy Centre

Choosing the Best surrogacy clinic in Madurai, is important during this key stage of your journey to parenthood. This section will walk you through the process of making this critical selection, ensuring that you select a center that meets your needs and expectations.

Researching Surrogacy Centers

When choosing the ideal surrogacy center, thorough research is paramount. This section will walk you through the process of assessing and choosing a center that meets your needs and preferences. We’ll discuss why it’s critical to investigate the reputation, track record, and trustworthiness of surrogacy centers in Warangal, Telangana. You’ll learn how to verify the center’s credentials, review past patient experiences, and gain insights into their overall standing within the surrogacy community.

Evaluating Success Rates

One of the pivotal factors in selecting the right surrogacy center is assessing their success rates. We’ll discuss the relevance of these numbers and how to successfully analyze them. You’ll learn how to compute success rates, what they mean, and how they might influence your decision-making process. We’ll also explore what factors contribute to high success rates and why they matter when entrusting a center with your surrogacy journey.

Considering Location and Accessibility

Location plays a pivotal role in your surrogacy experience. This section will discuss the importance of considering the center’s geographical location and accessibility. We’ll discuss how the surrogate’s closeness to your home can affect the convenience of appointments, monitoring, and communication. Furthermore, we’ll discuss the significance of a center’s physical accessibility, ensuring that it matches your individual needs, whether you’re a local or a tourist from out of town.

Affordability and Financial Planning

Surrogacy involves financial investments, and understanding the costs is crucial. We’ll go over the various costs of surrogacy and talk about financial preparation techniques. From medical expenses to legal fees to surrogate remuneration, you’ll get a thorough financial picture. We’ll also provide guidance on how to create a budget, explore available financial options, and consider potential sources of support or funding to ensure that your surrogacy journey is financially manageable and transparent.

Here is a List of The Best Surrogacy Centre in Madurai 2023:-

Select IVF

Select IVF in Madurai is a renowned name in the field of surrogacy and assisted reproduction. With state-of-the-art technology and a team of experienced specialists, they offer comprehensive surrogacy services. Their commitment to ethical practices and compassionate care has earned them a distinguished reputation.

Indira IVF

Indira IVF, a prominent name in fertility treatments, has a presence in Madurai. The centre offers a wide range of assisted reproductive technologies, including surrogacy. With cutting-edge facilities and experienced doctors, they provide personalized support to aspiring parents.

  • Website:

Sumathi Hospital

Sumathi Hospital is a multi-specialty healthcare facility in Madurai, which includes surrogacy services. With a team of skilled doctors and modern technology, they offer surrogacy solutions to those facing fertility challenges.

  • Website:

Iswarya Fertility Centre

Iswarya Fertility Centre is well-known for its commitment to quality fertility care. In Madurai, they offer a spectrum of fertility treatments, including surrogacy. With experienced specialists and ethical practices, they provide support to individuals and couples on their surrogacy journey.

  • Website:

Guru Hospital

Guru Hospital in Madurai offers a thorough scope of clinical benefits, including surrogacy. With a group of experienced specialists and a patient-driven approach, they give hopeful guardians direction and backing all through the surrogacy cycle.

  • Website:


Vinsfertility is an organization of fertility clinics and experts that stretches out its administrations to Madurai. They work with surrogacy plans and deal direction to people and couples looking for surrogacy arrangements. Their organization associates hopeful guardians with suitable surrogates.

  • Website:

Nova IVF Fertility

Nova IVF Fertility, a conspicuous name in the field of conceptive medication, has a presence in Madurai. They offer a far reaching scope of fertility treatments, including surrogacy. With a group of experienced specialists and a patient-driven approach, Nova IVF Fertility guarantees that patients get top notch care and customized help.

  • Website:

Surrogacy Hospital

The Surrogacy Hospital in Madurai specializes in gestational surrogacy. With a group of experienced subject matter experts and a patient-accommodating methodology, they offer surrogacy administrations, including operations, surrogacy arrangements, and ethical practices.

  • Website:

Cost of Surrogacy in Madurai

The Cost of Surrogacy in Madurai, typically ranges from INR 10,00,000 to INR 15,00,000 or more. This cost encompasses various factors, including surrogate mother compensation, medical and legal fees, prenatal care, delivery expenses, and administrative costs. It’s essential to note that surrogacy costs can vary based on individual circumstances and the chosen surrogacy agency or clinic. Prospective parents should carefully consider these financial aspects and consult with surrogacy experts and clinics in Madurai to get a more accurate estimate tailored to their specific surrogacy journey. While the cost is a significant factor, the ultimate reward of parenthood often outweighs the financial investment.

Surrogacy ProcedureCost (Surrogacy Package)
Surrogacy using own eggs & own spermsRs. 15 Lakh To 18 Lakh
Surrogacy by donor eggs and own spermsRs. 16 Lakh to 19 Lakh
Surrogacy with donor sperms and own eggsRs. 16 Lakh to 20 Lakh
surrogacy  (cost) & Embryo Transfer (Cost)Up to Rs. 4 Lakh
Surrogate Mother Selection (Cost)+ Blood Tests (Cost) + Surrogate Mother Preparation (Cost)Up to Rs. 2 Lakh
Normal Vaginal Delivery CostUp to Rs. 70,000
cesarean section or C-section Delivery CostUp to Rs. 1 Lakh to 2 Lakh
Housing for Surrogate mother (Cost) + Food (Cost)Up to Rs. 3 Lakh

The success rate of surrogacy in Madurai

The Success rate of surrogacy in Madurai depends on the challenges that get faced by couples. But if you want to get a rough idea then this success table is for you where you can get a rough idea regarding your surrogacy treatment. There is a success rate mentioned as per the different cases such as surrogacy with self-eggs and sperm, surrogacy donor’s eggs and sperm, etc. 

No.Surrogacy TreatmentsSuccess rates
a.       surrogacy with self-eggs50 to 60%
b.      surrogacy with self-sperm55 to 60%
c.       surrogacy with donor eggs70 to 75%
d.      surrogacy with donor sperm73 to 77%
e.      surrogacy with FET60 to 65%
f.        surrogacy with ICSI50 to 65%

Success rate of Surrogacy in Madurai

Best Surrogacy Centre in Madurai

The success rate of surrogacy with self-egg and sperm provides more than 50% to 60%, whereas the success rate of surrogacy with donor’s sperm and eggs provides a high success rate which is around 70% to 75%. 

  1. Women who are 45 years or older have a 15–20% probability.
  2. Women who are 40 years or older have a 20–21% probability.
  3. Women who are 35 years or older have a 25–28% probability.
  4. Women who are 30 years or older have a 33–35% probability.
  5. Women who are 25 years or older have a 40–50% probability.

Find affordable options for your infertility treatment

If you are looking for the best surrogacy centre which gives you all world-class faculties at an affordable cost then Select IVF as one of the best infertility treatment centre which ensures the improvement of the patient’s experiences through their service. Through this centre there are more than 1500 couples who have conceived. 

i. The patient-focused assistance of the centre

ii. Professionals with extensive education and experience

iii. Infrastructure that is well-built for maximum comfort and happiness

iv. The entire medical staff treats you with respect

v. Assists you throughout the entire process from the beginning

vi. Offers transparent fees and processes

You have the option of choosing IVF for all of these! So, reach out to us at +91 – 8447592299 | Email ID: [email protected]

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    The best surrogacy centre in Madurai stands as a testament to the seamless fusion of cutting-edge technology and compassionate care. As Madurai continues to evolve, this centre remains unwavering in its commitment to providing a lifeline for those in pursuit of parenthood. In reality as we know it where longs for life as a parent are esteemed by a larger number of people, this surrogacy centre in Madurai remains as an image of trust, devotion, and greatness, guaranteeing that the delights of being a parent are accessible for all who seek its services.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    What is a surrogacy centre, and how does it work in Madurai?

    A surrogacy centre in Madurai is a specialized facility that assists couples or individuals in achieving parenthood when traditional methods are not feasible. It involves a surrogate mother carrying the child to term for the intended parents, who then legally become the child’s parents.

    What services are typically offered by the best surrogacy centre in Madurai?

    Surrogacy centres in Madurai provide a range of services, including surrogate recruitment and screening, in vitro fertilization (IVF), legal documentation, and comprehensive medical care throughout the surrogacy journey.

    How are surrogates selected in Madurai, and what are the criteria?

    Surrogate selection in Madurai involves a rigorous screening process, including medical, psychological, and legal assessments. The criteria typically include good physical health, prior successful pregnancies, and a willingness to undergo surrogacy.

    What legal considerations are involved in surrogacy in Madurai?

    Surrogacy in Madurai requires legal documentation to establish the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. This includes surrogacy agreements, parental rights, and other legal aspects, which are essential to ensure a smooth and legally sound process.

    What are the success rates of the best surrogacy centre in Madurai?

    Success rates can vary based on individual circumstances and the specific services provided by the surrogacy centre. It’s important to discuss success rates during a consultation, as they can be influenced by factors such as the surrogate’s health and the quality of the IVF procedures.

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