Egg donation costs in Delhi
January 10, 2025
Egg Freezing in India
January 10, 2025
Family is one of the most important and valuable gifts of a person’s life. But what does family means- this could mean father, mother, and a child or may be siblings. Without any of these members, family is incomplete and needs a completion. Once you get married and embark on your own family unit then after completing a certain phase of the marriage, the family and relatives start expecting good news from your side. Isn’t it? A child carries the most significant part of the couple’s life and endows with the opportunity to experience the splendid relation of father and mother to the couple. However, being pregnant and delivering a newborn for numerous couples is easy and straightforward, while there are many couples who after so many attempts of regular and unprotected intercourse couldn’t deliver a baby or unable to get pregnant.
Now the question occurs – What if, a woman (due to medical fertility issue) unable to have the tag of a pregnancy and deliver a baby? This could be the sign of the fertility problem and most probably the woman is required to undergo the fertility treatment to welcome a new-born.
To know the exact issue behind your infertility, you would be recommended for the complete fertility investigation test. Once the reason becomes known, the next is planning for the suitable treatment that the couple has to go through to have a child.
Coming to the main point, here we are on the topic of Surrogacy in India. This page is all about the information of one of the forms of surrogacy performed in India – Egg Donor Surrogacy in India and tells the reader about when egg donor surrogacy is used, who could be the appropriate one to choose this form and what is the approximate cost of this surrogacy in India.
Egg Donor Surrogacy in India is the best solution for those couples who are not able to conceive by the natural process. This is the unbeatable method to get rid of female infertility matter. Egg Donor Surrogacy in India is recommended to those childless couples wherein the female partner is neither able to carry a baby in her womb / uterus nor has fine quality of eggs to achieve an IVF fertilization. This is a crucial and time-taking process where the surrogate and egg donor plays the dominant role. The success rate of this surrogacy procedure of egg donor surrogacy depends upon on the quality of the eggs given by the egg donor and the surrogate health of the uterus.
Undeniably, there are so many options to treat the infertility problem, and surrogacy is counted on the very last option to go for fertility treatment when no other advanced procedure of an assisted reproductive treatment works successfully. Before coming to the conclusion point choosing the Egg Donor Surrogacy option, specialist always counsels the couple to undergo IVF with donor egg or with other advanced options.
A couple even after enduring IVF with other advanced process couldn’t bear a child, and facing repeated miscarriage, might be recommended for the surrogacy option. Surrogacy, in itself is an intricate and delayed procedure that takes almost ten to eleven month for the completion of a single cycle.
A standard Surrogacy is accomplished using the procedure of an IVF (by the couple’s medical component) and then placing the intended couple’s embryo into the surrogate’s uterus for the pregnancy. On the other hand, egg donor surrogacy is performed when the mother cannot produce quality eggs and have very poor ovarian reserve to have successful fertilization. At the same time, her uterus is not healthy for the implantation and so embryo placement causing the miscarriage – such candidates are best for the egg donor surrogacy option. Egg Donor Surrogacy Cost in India is also very affordable and best available in the best surrogacy centres in India.
Let’s summarize, who can select the egg donor surrogacy option in India –
- Female is impotent to carry pregnancy by her own eggs or embryo due to some medical reason.
- Woman whose age is above 35 might not hold the pregnancy due to her poor quality of eggs.
- Genetic disorder is there either in male or in female.
- Past history of repeated miscarriages
- Failure of IVF /ICSI
- Overweight / underweight
- Menopause
There are few screening tests and checkups done by the fertility clinics before selecting the donor and the surrogate in India. Egg donor and the surrogate have to undergo proper screening test and psychological test to make sure that the embryo must be in a healthy state when delivery happens.

- Surrogate must have cleared all the screening test (hormonal test, blood tests, tests for any infection like HIV, AIDS etc)
- She must be physically fit to carry an embryo till 9 month
- Not have any past or present history of any severe disease (heart disease, BP issue, patient of depression etc.)
- Must have at least one child (without any complication in delivery)
- Surrogate will not be accepted when she has any prior miscarriage
- Must be in the age limit of 23-40
- Supportive family
- Must sign all the legal process before surrogacy
- She should be in the age limit of 21-30
- Healthy, Young and fertile woman can go for donating her eggs
- Should not have any severe disease
- Must not have any genetic disorder
Surrogacy is one of the last and most effective treatments to say goodbye of your childlessness tag. However at the same time, the surrogacy expense is also elevated from the other options of the assisted reproductive technique. Why so? This is because of the surrogate fees, her care, tests that have to take place throughout the procedure of surrogacy and mandatory aspects.
If we talk about the Cost of Egg Donor Surrogacy in India, then the couple (intended couple) has to pay around ten to thirteen lakh for the total procedure of surrogacy. The charge could cause burden on some couple’s head, because of being expensive treatment. However no worries, if you have undergone the advanced treatment to have a child and couldn’t conceive even after that, and have been recommended for the surrogacy option (with donor egg) by the senior expert (after analyzing each case and aspect behind your fertility issue), then you can choose the medical loan for the surrogacy treatment.
At the best surrogacy centres provided by the Select IVF India, one can have the choice to choose the Egg Donor Surrogacy Cost in India as per the installments based on the centre’s rule.
For more information to proceed for the Egg Donor Surrogacy Cost in India on the basis of the installments, intended couple may directly reach to the support team of the surrogacy centres. Surrogacy has the highest success rate assuring of the positive result.
Let’s have a clear picture of the egg donor surrogacy procedure in India and how many steps that is covered in the Egg Donor Surrogacy Cost in India.
The entire mechanism of this surrogacy is based on the process of IVF (the process where sperm and eggs are fertilized under the guidance of fertility experts in the laboratory).
- Fertility Medication: The very first step of the egg donor surrogacy is to provide the fertility medication and hormonal injections (regularly for 10-12 days) to the egg donor who is supposed to provide her own eggs for the fertilization. Egg donor database is provided by the surrogacy centre to the intended couple so as to pick the desire egg donor. Once the donor gets decided by the couple, she gets started to take ovary stimulation medications to stimulate her ovaries for the egg retrieval.
- Retrieval of the eggs: It’s a process, where the fertility expert retrieves the egg from the donor’s follicle carefully – this is a minor surgical procedure and must be performed under the highly skilled doctor. As written above, the fertility medications are given to stimulate the ovaries of the donor so that she can release multiple eggs for the fertilization. Once the eggs are matured enough, the eggs are retrieved from the egg donor by the fertility experts using a special needle. The eggs are known to be matured by the ultrasounds and blood hormonal test. Egg pick up is one of the careful and watchful procedures of the Egg Donor Surrogacy in India.
- Process of fertilization: Once, the eggs are retrieved by the experts, the fertility team keep the eggs in a Petri dish. On the same day of retrieval the eggs, semen sample is also collected by the intended father. With the eggs now, sperms are fused or mixed for fertilization. After the fertilization, the combination is termed as embryo. The fertilization can also be accomplished using the ICSI method, where a single sperm is injected into each egg that has been retrieved by the donor.
- Embryo transfer into the surrogate’s uterus: The last and the final step of the Egg Donor Surrogacy in India is that the embryo transfer. This step of egg donor surrogacy is completed with the help of a surrogate mother in India at the best surrogacy centre. The embryo transfers once the three days of the egg retrieval is done, embryo is transferred into the uterus of the surrogate for healthy and successful pregnancy. Once the embryo transfer has taken place, the surrogate is suggested to have rest as much as possible and the pregnancy test is done after two weeks of the embryo transfer.
The above all the steps are incorporated in the package of Egg Donor Surrogacy Cost in India that has to be paid by the couple at the surrogacy clinic. Apart from the above steps of the surrogacy step (with donor egg, small expenses such as –
- Fertility lab charges
- Equipment cost at the clinic
- Counselling session
- Each visit at the clinic and meeting with the doctor
- IVF procedure (with all the medication)
- The cost of egg donor
- Surrogate’s fees
- Surrogate’s care and requirement
These steps are also included. On an average, the Egg Donor Surrogacy Cost in India is INR 10, 00,000 to 13, 00,000 incorporating all the above steps and procedures.
Select IVF India runs the most effective Egg Donor Surrogacy in India which is offered to individuals of Indian citizens and incorporates wedded couples where the intended mother is unable to produce quality eggs by her own eggs and requires both – the donor egg and a surrogate mother to carry the child. The team of Select IVF bolsters each couple who due to acute fertility issues, longing to have parenthood and become guardians since the center accepts that each of the couple ought to have the prospect to enjoy the delight of parenthood.
We are one of the leading fertility platforms providing all the types of fertility treatment – basic and advanced with the genuine Egg Donor Surrogacy Cost in India. We provide the intended couple both – the donor egg and a well-screened surrogate mother. The team of the best surrogacy centre mails you the profiles of the egg donors for you to pick and then the surrogacy process gets initiated.
Select IVF India is the golden opportunity for those who are seeking for this surrogacy; the success rate of this clinic in egg donor surrogacy is relatively higher than other fertility clinic. This is all about the procedure of Egg Donor Surrogacy in India. In the entire process, the infertile couple has to carry positive vibes and patience because this process takes time. Cost of Egg donor surrogacy in India is INR 10 lakh to thirteen lakhs. This surrogacy is the first-class option for those females who have repeated miscarriages or they are unfit to bear children due to crossing their age limit.
Egg donor Surrogacy cost in India is one of the lowest charges comparing to those countries that provide surrogacy option to the couples. Surrogacy has always been the topic to appear in the news for its amendment and new regulations by the ministry of India. Right now, India is taking those couples for the surrogacy option who are legally married and have the legal document stating the couple has severe fertility issue (wherein the woman has not at all healthy uterus to nourish the baby).
If you have been recommended for the Egg Donor Surrogacy, and confused about the Cost of Egg Donor Surrogacy in India, and where to undergo this procedure to have the best result, contact our support team for further query. We wish you best of luck to have your own baby very soon!
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