Eliminate Repeated Miscarriages: Choose Surrogacy Procedure in India
January 10, 2025
FISH Treatment
January 10, 2025
Now cut your barrenness issue by picking out Gestational Surrogacy in India-
Gestational Surrogacy in India is preferred by those sterile duos who are unqualified to bear a child by their own. Here, a word comes of ‘Infertility’, when a couple is impotent to become a Parent, then that couple may be termed as infertile or sterile duo. In India approx 28 million of couples who are in the grip of this issue. About one in ten couples experience infertility. But thanks to India and its advance technology which has introduced the latest methods to unfold infertility problem. For women, age plays important role to have successful and healthy pregnancy.
Surrogacy involves three major individual to perform the entire procedure of Gestational Surrogacy, two of them is the intended couple who wish to have baby and the third one is a surrogate who will carry an embryo in her womb. Gestational Surrogacy is the long-delayed where you need to carry enough patience. Gestational Surrogacy India is the procedure where surrogate carries an embryo of intended couple by the process of IVF technique and after completing the healthy pregnancy, she hands over baby to his/ her biological parent. Select IVF is the clinic, which provides gestational surrogacy in unparalleled and matchless way.
Who can go for Gestational Surrogacy-?
There are numerous reasons why couple go for this Surrogacy. If you are facing any of the following difficulties, then it is the time to think about gestational surrogacy-
- You had your surgery of hysterectomy (surgical operation in which uterus is removed)
- Unable to carry a pregnancy
- Fallopian tubes are blocked or ruptured
- Females who are facing any severe issue such as heart disease, low or high BP (blood pressure), depression etc.
- Polycystic ovaries
- Have any history of breast cancer
- Malformed uterus
- Due to abnormal mucus production cervix is not functioning
- Repeated miscarriages
- Failure of fertility treatments (such as IVF/ICSI etc.)
Procedure of Gestational Surrogacy in India –

With the help of IVF technique, gestational surrogacy is completed. There is few screening process of selecting gestational surrogate. When these tests and screening is done, surrogate is accepted to carry a baby of the intended couple by the ART specialist clinics in India. After this, a surrogate and actual mother are started to provide the medication to sync their menstrual cycles. This step is done to make sure that the uterus lining of the surrogate is ready to catch an embryo for pregnancy. Then, medications are given to the actual mother to release the eggs for the process of IVF. When eggs are matured then with the usage of a special needle, eggs are retrieved by the experts. On the same day, semen is also collected by the male partner. Now, by the process of IVF method, eggs and sperms are fertilized in the lab under the guidance of fertility specialist. When this combination is fertilized, then the term is known as embryo. Embryo is then transferred into the uterus of the surrogate who will carry the baby till nine month of successful pregnancy.
It may happen that IVF cycles for successful implantation of an embryo can take about one to two round, that’s what mentioned at the starting of the page that you need to have patience to undergo gestational surrogacy. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Gestational Surrogacy in India has its highest success rate i.e. more than 95%. Success rate of it is the main reason why gestational surrogacy is prominent all over India. Per year, approx 800-1000 babies are born using this surrogacy in India.
Requirements to choose the Gestational Surrogate-
- Age limit of the surrogate must be in the circle of 21-40
- Before selecting appropriate surrogate, a surrogate and her male partner has to undergo some screening test to investigate any infection like HIV, Hepatitis B or C, if the reports are clear, then only that woman is chosen as gestational surrogate.
- Must has a supportive family
- Woman should not have any addiction of smoking, drinking or usage of drugs.
- She must be physically strong and fit to carry a baby till the delivery.
- Pleasant personality
- Signed all the legal documents
- Must have had a baby without any complication
- not any previous miscarriage
- Must not be suffering or suffered from any severe disease
These are all the important facts before selecting a right surrogate by the clinic or any agency, which is providing gestational surrogacy in India. Gestational surrogacy cost in India is also very reasonable and easily achievable by the intended parents who wish to have their own baby by this surrogacy. So, if you have suffered the trouble of repeated miscarriages or undergone many fertility treatments and still in the clutch of infertility then close your eyes and plump for Gestational surrogacy.