Stay accommodation India in IVF surrogacy
January 10, 2025
Single Surrogacy Treatment: A Pathway to Parenthood with Select IVF
January 10, 2025Do you wonder how sperm freezing helps to ensure that young men focus on their career or personal goals before starting a family?
Sperm freezing proved to be an effective method of fertility preservation for men. According to statistics, more than 50,000 procedures are performed each year in India and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6-8% till 2028 globally. Social reasons such as delayed parenthood and career/professional goals have driven the demand for sperm-freezing procedures in India and also other Asian nations.
This article will help you to learn and understand Sperm Freezing in India. It will guide you to the procedure, its benefits with duration, and the average cost of the procedure.
Introduction to Sperm Freezing in India
Sperm Freezing, also known as sperm cryopreservation. Sperm freezing is the medical process of storing man’s sperm samples at a certain freezing temperature, in order to keep the fertile capability of the sperm sample for future use. The process includes the collection of sperm samples, then carefully analyzed and treated with the Cryoprotectant, a medical substance to prevent cell or tissue damage. It is then stored in liquid Nitrogen at -196°C. Cryoprotectant substances played a major role in keeping the fertile capability of sperm samples to fertilize an egg for several years, preventing any form of freezing damage during the process.
The cryopreserved sperm will later be used for self-treatment or it is either done for donating purposes. Generally, men usually wish to opt for sperm freezing in India for delayed parenthood purposes or for medical reasons such as chemotherapy treatments, etc which can severely affect the fertility in men. This sperm-freezing medical technology plays an important role in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART techs) such as In-vitro fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), and even Surrogacy, etc. We will understand this in more detail.
Who can Opt for Sperm Freezing in India?
Men usually opt for sperm freezing in India for several reasons or factors such as:
- Age & Delayed Parenthood: Increasing age is a great factor in diminishing the quality and quantity of sperm. Men who wish to begin delayed parenthood, commonly who are at the peak of their career life or have any personal goals for life to achieve. These individuals prefer to freeze their sperm for future family planning.
- Medical Treatments: Several medical conditions arise when men need to preserve their sperm for future use to undergo treatment procedures. Medical conditions treatments such as chemotherapy or Radiation therapy for cancer treatment, Vasectomy surgery, or another kind of reproductive surgery, etc where there could be the chances of affecting the reproductive ability or sperm qualities.
- High-Risk Occupation: Men with high-risk occupations such as military personnel, or those with hazardous occupations such as firefighters, etc. usually opt for cryopreservation of their sperms for future use. It is done as a safeguard or protective measure against potential injuries that could affect their infertility.
- Posthumous Sperm Retrieval: This is a procedure performed on the deceased person when dies unexpectedly or from brain death to collect the sperm from the testicles by using epididymal aspiration, testicular biopsy, or complete removal of the testicular organ from the body. It is done with the purpose of using it later for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).
Low Sperm Count or Declining Quality: Men who have been diagnosed with low sperm count or declining sperm quality, opt for preserving their sperm samples as a precautionary measure to father children in later life.
Entire Process: Sperm Freezing in India
Sperm Freezing involves the various steps to be followed by individuals who wish to opt for sperm freezing in India and by fertility clinics or reproductive health centers. It is critical for safety measures & carefully analyze and perform the freezing process, as this process has to maintain the fertile capability of the sperm for several years. Here, are the major steps taken in the whole process as follows:
- Initial Consultation: You should have to go for a consultation with a good fertility specialist or center before undergoing the sperm freezing process. This consultation will help you to carefully understand your reason for opting for this, the whole process, its benefits with its potential risks, and procedure costs.
- Medical Tests or Screenings: Your fertility specialists or centers asked for your medical history or any conditions regarding infertility. You will undergo medical tests for infectious diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis, etc, or any sexually transmitted diseases or infections. For this, your infertility specialists will conduct the blood tests or any necessary tests.
- Semen Collection: The sperm collection is either done in a sterile environment or through surgical methods. Your infertility specialists will ask you to masturbate in a separate sterile environment and ejaculate the semen sample in a cup, to store it at nearly the body temperature. Mostly prefer for Ergonomic semen collection cup for comfortability perspective.
If you are having ejaculation difficulty, then your fertility specialists will undergo surgical methods such as MESA, PESA, TESA, microTESE, and electroejaculation, etc). You will be advised to abstain from ejaculation 2-3 days prior to the collection process for optimal sperm count.
- Sperm Analysis & Cryoprotectant: In this, your sperm sample is carefully analyzed to check the sperm count, motility & morphology (movement & shape) for healthy & quality sperm for the freezing process. After analyzing & selecting the sperms, the sperms are then mixed with the cryoprotectant solution. This solution is crucial for the freezing process as this can prevent any damage during the freezing to store it for several years with the ability to fertilize the eggs.
- Freezing Process: Freezing process has two types of method:
- Slow Freezing: In this, the sperm sample after mixing with the cryoprotectant solution, is then placed in a small vial container which will be stored in cool chambers. In this, a gradual freezing technique over a period of time is used, until the temperature of -196°C, then at this particular temperature the vial is stored in the liquid Nitrogen filled tanks.
- Vitrification: In this, the sperm sample after mixing with the cryoprotectant solution, faster freezing technique method is used where the sperm sample is rapidly freezes down, leaving no room or minimal room for ice crystal formation. This freezing method offers higher survival rates of sperm for future use when thawed.
- Storage, Monitoring & Maintenance: Sperms sample is stored in cryogenic tanks filled with liquid Nitrogen at -196 degrees Celsius. Each vial has the proper labeling, easy identification & security purposes. These storage rooms are regularly monitored to ensure the maintained freezing temperatures of the storage room. Some good fertility clinics offer long-term storage plans.
- Thawing for Use: For future use, the cryopreserved sperm sample is carefully thawed in a certain environment to bring down the sample to the normal body temperature. Your fertility specialists check and monitor the viability of the sperm for the fertilization process. It will be used in various Assisted Reproductive technologies (ART tech) such as IVF, IUI, or even in surrogacy, etc.
Follow-Up: You can make regular follow-ups to ensure the sperms are in good condition and are also consulted for renewal storage procedures if needed.
How can Sperm Freezing in India be Beneficial for Men?

Sperm Freezing in India has proved to be a beneficial medical technology. Everyone wants to achieve the ladder of a career, but early parenthood makes this ladder bit difficult to achieve our career goals. Delayed parenthood is one of the main reasons for opting sperm freezing in India. Here, are the other benefits it can offer:
- Fertility Preservation Before Medical Surgery: There are many medical treatment procedures such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancers, vasectomy, etc. In these cases, where certain medical treatments could potentially affect fertility in men, are opting the sperm freezing. It proves to be beneficial for them to have a biological child in future.
- Delayed Family Planning: Delayed Family Planning is the major reason for the opting the sperm sperm-freezing technologies. It could be either for professional reason or for personal reason. Sperm freezing has given the way of achieving the parenthood, despite the increasing age factors or the other medical factors, viable sperms are used at your convenient time until when you are ready.
- Backup Plan for Uncertain Circumstances: Men who have the dangerous kind of occupations such as military or sports, where the physical injuries is quite common and can impact on the fertility, so as a backup plan, sperm freezing provides benefits to store their fertility without compromising the profession and parenthood journey.
- Sperm Donation: Certain men individuals who wants to donate their sperm to help the prospective parents to achieve the dream of parenthood journey, usually these prospective parents facing certain kind of infertility or medical conditions, which they seek the sperm donors. Sperm donors usually donates while undergoing the sperm freezing process.
- Helps in Gender Transition: Certain individuals who went through gender transitions or wish to undergo the process of gender transitions, sperm freezing could be the beneficial method to store the reproductive gametes so that they can achieve the parenthood journey with a biological child.
Cost-Effective Solution: When it comes to repeated fertility treatments, where frequent sperm samples are always required. Sperm freezing at a time could be beneficial for a cost-effective perspective.
How Long Can Sperm Be Frozen?
With the continuous medical advancements in the infertility field, cryopreservation or sperm freezing can last long, decades of time period. A study found that the frozen sperm could be stored for upto 40 years, without affecting the fertility ability of the sperm. Men can feel relaxed or have a sense of emotional relief or reassurance that they can achieve the parenthood journey, despite the fact of decreasing sperm quality and sperm count with the increasing age. Whether the reason behind for opting sperm freezing in India is professional or personal, this medical procedure has given reassurance for long-term fertility preservation.
How Much will it Cost to me for Sperm Freezing in India?
Sperm freezing for long term could be seen as an investment option for your delayed parenthood whether it’s for personal or professional reasons. The procedures can be cost effective as well, the cost can vary from the region to region and from the city to city across the country. The average cost of sperm freezing in India ranges between ₹10,000 to ₹50,000. This cost ranges give you the most standard storage procedure of 10-15 years. This cost range seems to be affordable as it could give you the reassurance for long term perspective.
Factors Affecting the Cost of Sperm Freezing in India
There are several factors that can actually vary the cost for the sperm freezing procedure in India. Here are the factors:
- The fertility centres location and reputation or brand.
- Number of sperm samples, you want to freeze.
- For how long you want to opt for i.e. storage duration
- The Quality of Facilities, your fertility centers provide.
- If you want any kind of customization or tailored services, it will come at a cost.
- If your fertility centers offer any package deals or discounts for the procedure.
Why to Choose Select IVF for Sperm Freezing in India?
Select IVF has been a major player in the field of providing fertility treatment. Select IVF has the mission of empowering families to achieve successful parenthood, who are facing hopelessness with their infertility conditions with their professionalism utmost care, and effective treatments.
They have been working to provide the best assisted reproductive technology such as advanced infertility treatments such as Surrogacy, IVF, ICSI, IUI, Egg & Sperm Freezing, etc in more than 10 countries worldwide.
Here, are the considering factors for choosing Surrogacy:
- Providing effective treatment for both Male & Female infertility.
- Sperm freezing, surrogacy, IVF, IUI, ICSI, egg &, egg donor, etc at very reasonable & affordable costs.
- 24 hours for all 7 days service, caters to emergency services also.
- A huge team of infertility specialists specializes in major infertility conditions.
- Patient-centric effective treatment with ethical practices.
You can read more on our website https://selectivf.com/ or consult on call +91-8447592299 or email your query to [email protected]
In this article, we guided you through the reasons and detailed procedures for sperm freezing in India. It is an effective medical procedure as well as an investment for fertility preservation. It is a very safe, reliable, and flexible procedure for preserving your fertility. The continuous advancements in the field, have made it possible to store frozen sperms without losing their fertility capability.
By choosing sperm freezing, you own your reproductive choices while reassured to start a family when you are ready. You can completely focus on your career goals or career goals without losing the chance of having a family later. Plan wisely, and make informed decisions about sperm freezing. Do consult today with a good fertility specialist or centre to guide you. Remember time is very critical! Hurry up!n.
FAQs for Sperm Freezing in India
1. Is Sperm Freezing Safe?
Yes, the sperm freezing is a very safe procedure. With the medical advancemnts and safety procedures, the method is well-established and successful. Children are successfully born through the frozen sperm without any born defects or health issues.
2. What are the Success Rates of the Sperm Freezing Process in India?
Frozen sperm can last long for up to 40 years, however, the standard freezing process stores it for 10 years. You need to provide consent for the renewal procedure when asked by the fertility centers.
3. Do Fertility Centres Ask for Written Consent Before Renewing or Disposing or Use of the Frozen Sperm Sample?
Yes, your fertility centers will ask you for written consent before renewing or disposing off your sperm sample. In the case of sperm donation, your center will ask for waiver consent to give off parental rights legally over the child born through the frozen sperm sample.
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