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June 15, 2024

Surrogacy Process Mumbai

Surrogacy process in Mumbai- A procedure, which gives you your happiness after nine month

Surrogacy process in Mumbai

Surrogacy, one of the foremost treatments of ART technique. Yes, we are talking about that topic which has become middle-of-the-road issue amongst many couples. Infertility is the heavy topic, which has troubled many individuals and still is on the queue.  Mumbai is known as the commercial capital of India, popular financial institutions and of high standing treatments of any disease. Well, Infertility is not any disease; it’s a hormonal disorder. Surrogacy process in Mumbai is clear and untroublesome. Types of infertility issue could be various, as if some woman might have improper ovulation or poor quality of the eggs, while some suffers issue in their uterus and that’s why could not hold an embryo in her womb resulting miscarriage.

Surrogacy process in Mumbai is undoubtedly a delayed or is a long-time procedure but here the fruit of patience will be much sweeter than ever you tasted, Yes! Your baby. The more you will hold patience, the more overjoyed you will be going to become. The entire steps of surrogacy in Mumbai is fulfilled by the help of three individuals- intended couple, who is willing to go for surrogacy and the second and most important role is played by the surrogate and none other than the specialists of fertility treatments.

Ultimate and A-1 solution to get rid of your barrenness-

Surrogacy is the final gateway if you have undergone fertility treatments (IVF/ICSI) and still you are not able to change your status from a couple to a parent. Surrogacy can be categorized into two types-

  • Gestational Surrogacy
  • Traditional Surrogacy

Let’s clear here one thing that Gestational surrogacy is widely spread in Surrogacy form and is chosen over traditional one. In traditional surrogacy, a surrogate mother uses her own eggs and artificially inseminated by the process of IUI (intra uterine insemination), where sperms are collected from a male partner, washed by a special method and placed in the surrogate’s mother uterus at the time of her ovulation. The reason why traditional surrogacy is not picked by couples is the risk of emotional bond. Here, the surrogate is the biological mother of that baby because of the eggs she shared at the time of fertilization during AI.

Gestational surrogacy process in Mumbai is hand-picked by the infertile couples who are not able to hack the natural cycle of pregnancy. In gestational surrogacy, a surrogate is just a medium who carries an embryo till he/she grows up to a baby and hand-over to the intended couple after successful delivery. During the procedure of Gestational surrogacy, eggs are retrieved from a female partner after giving the fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries (so that multiple eggs are formed). On the same day of egg retrieval, semen sample is collected from a male partner. Keeping this two (eggs and sperms) on the culture dish, fertilization occur naturally. After fertilization, embryo is placed into the uterus of the surrogate to hold the pregnancy till nine month. Pregnancy test is done after 10-14 days of transferring an embryo. In this surrogacy, baby is completely related to the intended couple, so there is not any risk of emotional bond and hence infertile couples pick out Gestational Surrogacy without thinking twice for their treatment of sterility.

    Book Your Free Consultation!

    Surrogacy is opted by –

    • Those couples who have had their failure IVF / ICSI
    • Those women who have issue in their uterus and thus unable to hold a baby in her womb
    • Women who have experienced repeated miscarriages (two at the row)
    • Women who are performing proper and regular ovulation cycle but uterus removed ( during the surgery of hysterectomy)
    • Suffering from severe and problematic diseases ( heart problems, BP issue etc)

    Rules and criteria of choosing a surrogate by the ART specialist Clinics-

    There are few screening tests and eligibility criteria, which must have to qualify by a woman who desire to be a surrogate-

    • Surrogate age must be not above than 40 and not below than 21
    • She must be in mentally fit and physically strong position
    • Enough knowledge to carry a baby (to take care of her own diet, be in a decent lifestyle)
    • She must be a mother of at least one child
    • Away from any addiction
    • Supportive family of a surrogate is a plus point during the pregnancy
    • There should be not past or present records of any major disease, if found then she will be disqualified
    • No previous miscarriage

    A surrogate must meet above requirements and if she qualifies, then there will be yes flag for the woman who wants to become a surrogate. Select IVF is the brand, which for the past many years has been serving fertility treatments for the infertile couple and has success rate more than other fertility clinics. Surrogacy is a simple and untroublesome process and requires attention and careful medications. So, if you have repeated miscarriages, failure of other fertility treatments then just close your eyes and go for Surrogacy process in Mumbai. Best of luck for the journey of your surrogacy treatment.

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