How to improve IUI Success Rates?
January 15, 2025
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January 15, 2025As per an examination on the infertility rate in India, it is evaluated that almost 27.5 million couples who are effectively attempting to have a child, experience fertility issue. Infertility issue is characterized as attempting to have a baby or being pregnant for at any rate a year with regular and unprotected intercourse, with no positive outcome. The explanations behind this might be due to several aspects such as lifestyle factor, dietary patterns, medical issues, and so on.
When the couple faces issues in the natural conception and tried numerous attempt to conceive, it’s the time to knock a gate of the fertility clinic. It might not be mandatory that whoever meets the fertility doctor is required to undergo the advanced treatment; a basic medication can also do with the procedure. On the basis of the fertility type of the partner, one has to undergo accordingly the plan structure guided by the fertility doctor.
Fertility level is evaluated after the couple undergoes the fertility check or investigation at the fertility clinic so as to know the exact treatment for them. This is somehow needed for the couple and for the expert because after getting clear picture of the fertility issue, the doctor can easily assist the couple with the best solution. And so, the couple gets enough idea about their fertility issue.
Whether the couple has been suggested for the advanced treatment or the basic one, they need to do their home-work in a correct way; home-work, here means a well research about the treatment, the fertility clinic, and the cost structure of the suggested fertility treatment.
Since our question relates with the ICSI treatment, let’s get into some description of the ICSI and when ICSI is used –
ICSI – Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection is one of the advanced treatments to solve infertility case. This is performed along with the advanced technique of fertility treatment or ART – IVF. IVF treatment is the most chosen and suggested fertility treatment and is considered by those couples, wherein the woman is struggling with the fertility problem. Ovulation disorder, menstruation delay, premature ovulation disorder, and so on – these are some issues of the woman behind inability to get pregnant. When any of such problem occur in women and due to this, she gets unable to have a child, IVF is recommended.
ICSI is the form of advanced fertilization technique and work with the IVF procedure only. ICSI is always assisted to those males who have severe male fertility issues and couldn’t impregnate the partner due to either less sperm count or low motility of the sperm.
Yes, you have heard right; ICSI technique is considered only when the sperm is less motile or the male possesses very few sperm count. ICSI along with the IVF is perfect for those couples, wherein the woman also is facing with the fertility issues, at the same time, the male also is facing with the advanced fertility issue.
One can either say ICSI consists of IVF too, so Yes accordingly this statement, a woman with hormonal imbalance can easily opt for this option. In short, we can say ICSI solves both the issue – sperm related problem and if a woman is facing with the hormonal imbalance problem.
Somehow it depends on the issue of the individual whether ICSI should be applied or not. Since this technique comes in the advanced procedure of ART, the cost is also a bit elevated comparing with other basic fertility treatments like the ovulation stimulation medication, Intra Uterine Insemination, IUI with the med and so on.
The very first step of ICSI is the stimulation of the ovary of the woman, where the woman has to undergo with the hormonal injections and fertility med for at least ten to twelve days. Then the sperms get collected by the male for the sperm washing so as to eliminate the unwanted particles. Later fertilizing by the ICSI technique (where a single sperm is directly injected into the egg), embryo creation occurs. Let’s get more in details about the ICSI procedure.
- Ovulation procedure and Retrieval of the eggs –
To be prepare for the ICSI methodology utilizing the woman’s own eggs, the woman should get day by day hormonal injections and be firmly checked for about twelve to fourteen days at the fertility centre.
Throughout the fertility medication phase, the fertility doctor checks your blood estrogen levels and uses ultrasound to check whether the eggs are developing in the follicles. On the off chance that follicles completely gets matured, the woman is given a human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) shot to invigorate the follicles to develop. The develop eggs are gathered 34 to 36 hours after the fact. Once the eggs get ripened appropriately, the specialist gathers the egg from each ovary. This procedure is also known as egg-retrieval step, where the patient is generally kept under the sedation so as to avoid any discomfort throughout this procedure. The egg-retrieval is finished utilizing laparoscopy or needle guided by the ultrasound through the paunch to the ovaries at the clinic by the senior fertility specialist.
- The technique of Sperm infusion by ICSI methodology –
A glass apparatus is utilized to hold an egg which has been collected at the time of egg-pick up. A minuscule glass tube is utilized to place one sperm into the egg. The eggs, then analyzed by the specialist and are verified whether they’ve been fertilized well with the sperm or not. After hatching, the eggs that have been effectively fertilizedare then selected for further procedure.
- Embryo Implantation –
Once the eggs have been fertilized properly with the sperm, next step is embryo implantation. At least one embryo (most suitable), by the catheter is transferred and embedded through the cervix. This is the very last step of ICSI along with the IVF procedure.
Once the embryo gets implanted into the uterus of the woman, she has to wait for few days. Within a week or ten days, she is required to visit at the centre for the pregnancy test. Pregnancy test lets the couple aware whether the embryo is implanted in a correct place and the embryo gets attached into the uterus properly for further development.
One need not to worry about the whole procedure as it’s not troublesome; only one thing a couple should have and that is their time. If we talk about the best fertility centre then no worries for that too, as we are there to guide with the best fertility solution and an authentic fertility clinic with a decent success rate. SELECT IVF INDIA is one of the leading fertility platform serving the world-class treatment at genuine costing. We believe in the transparency and do not hide anything from the couple.
The Bottom Line –
ICSI technique is utilized to treat extreme male fertility hiccups, as when practically no sperm are discharged in the semen. ICSI is always followed by the IVF, hence A LADY CAN GO FOR ICSI TREATMENT WITH HORMONAL IMBALANCE. When the male is found to be no sperm at all, then there is other technique – SSR (Surgical Sperm Retrieval), where the sperms are gathered from the male’s testicles or epididymis and then the sperm is injected into the egg by the ICSI procedure.
ICSI also be chosen and utilized regardless of whether a couple’s fertility issue isn’t identified with an issue with the sperm production. A few couples decide to attempt ICSI after the negative result of an IVF treatment.
Talking about the success rate of an ICSI, it’s decent. Utilized with IVF treatment and eggs of good quality, ICSI gives more success rate than the IVF treatment (because ICSI has high fertilization rate than the IVF). ICSI has somewhere the success rate of 55-60% across the India and at the best fertility centres provided by the Select IVF India.
If you have been facing with fertility issues for the past year or so, then no need to wait anymore, you can directly reach to us by just giving a call or by mailing our customer support team. We would be happy to guide you with the best solution!
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