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June 17, 2024

Single Surrogacy Treatment

Single Surrogacy for individuals- It’s the time to add a new member in your life

So! You have made the plan and decided not to be in the bond with any male or female (being single) or not to be in the knot of marriage but you do have your personal choice to become parent. If you want to become a single men or single women parent, you are on the right click. Yes, it is possible to become a single parent without your partner. You can have your own baby by the process of Surrogacy. Single men surrogacy is the process where a male who wishes to have his own baby can hire a surrogate who will carry an embryo (fertilized with the male sperms and eggs from the egg donor). Surrogates, egg donor and process of surrogacy are provided by the ART specialist clinics.

Whether you are single woman looking for a sperm donor or a single man seeking a surrogate & egg donor for surrogacy, Select IVF provides the entire process in a very well managed way. Select IVF helped many gay men who want to have their own child and have performed lesbian surrogacy too.

If we talk about Gay Men Surrogacy, one of the most important factors comes here is that the surrogate feels more special because she is the main center of attention. Single fathers by choice’ are heterosexual or gay men who actively opt to parent alone through adoption or surrogacy and egg donation. Policies for the single men surrogacy vary between countries, some countries prohibits the authority of this surrogacy, while some.

Gay men surrogacy is carried off by some techniques from the ART specialist clinics; they are-

  • One of the first is by the technique of IUI (Artificial insemination), in this process, semen sample is collected by any of the male partner and then after washing the sperms, are inserted into the surrogate’s uterus at the time of her ovulation.

With the use of one of the best advance fertility treatment, IVF this method is fulfilled. Three individuals play important role in this process; egg donor, surrogate and a partner whose sperms will be used. During this process, a surrogate carries an embryo (donor eggs are fertilized with the sperms by the process of IVF) and after the delivery, surrogate hands over the baby to the gay couple. Single men surrogacy is also accomplished by these two processes.

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    If both the male (in gay men surrogacy) wants to have a biological term with a baby, then these options can be selected by them-

    single surrogacy
    • Some clinics provide the facility of mixing the sperms of one partner with separate batches of the donor’s eggs. This might lead to twins, in this, a surrogate will be biological mother of the kid but dad will be separate. If just one kid is born, DNA check will going to be required to work out and to know that which donor is the father of the child.
    • One partner’s cousin (e.g., a sister), may function as the egg donor whereas her eggs would then inseminated by the sperms of the opposite partner. During this method, the kid would be biologically regarding each man.
    • A gay couple can initial have a baby that’s genetically belonging to one partner. Later on, if a second kid is desired, generally the opposite partner’s sperms are employed to realize a second gestation with an equivalent surrogate. During this method, both the father will enjoy the feeling of his own baby sharing a biological mother as a surrogate.

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    Now, after getting through the nuts and bolts about gay men surrogacy and single men surrogacy, let’s have the knowledge of lesbian surrogacy.  Lesbian surrogacy is usually be chosen by those female couples who are not able to carry a child by their own or not want to and goes for the option of lesbian surrogacy. Lesbian couples have the option of traditional and gestational surrogacy-

    In Gestational surrogacy, eggs are retrieved by one of the female partner and sperms, which have been donated by the male donor (bring forth by the fertility clinic) are fertilized. By the technique of IVF, eggs and sperms are fused and fertilized in the lab, then placing an embryo into the surrogate’s uterus to have successful pregnancy.

    In Traditional surrogacy, a surrogate uses her own eggs and sperms are inserted into surrogate’s uterus by the process of artificial insemination. You need to contact with the fertility clinics whether they part with traditional surrogacy or not.

    Whether you are looking for gay men, single men or lesbian couple surrogacy you need to research the entire details of the fertility clinic where you will be performing this process. Select IVF lays out the matchless fertility treatment and is on the top list of surrogacy procedure. Go through the success rate of each clinic and make sure to choose the right one and appropriate clinic for your surrogacy.

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