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July 25, 2023

How to Get Affordable Surrogacy Cost in Dharamshala 2023?

For couples and individuals dealing with infertility issues or medical complexity, deciding to embark on the surrogacy path can be a life-changing choice. Dharamshala has become a popular travel destination in India for individuals who are considering surrogacy as a potential option.

Select IVF presents an enlightening aid that digs into the complexities of Surrogacy Cost in Dharamshala, offering important experiences for planned expected guardians. Within this comprehensive guide, we explore the definition and types of surrogacy, the legal aspects governing surrogacy in Dharamshala, and the reasons driving its increasing popularity.

Aspiring parents will gain a step-by-step understanding of the surrogacy process, from initial consultation to post-delivery care. Additionally, we shed light on the breakdown of expenses involved, and insurance options, and provide answers to frequently asked questions, empowering individuals to make well-informed decisions about their surrogacy journey in Dharamshala.

Surrogacy post
Surrogacy post

Why should you trust SELECT IVF for Surrogacy in Dharamshala?

  • First-stage top counseling sessions
  • Premium services and processes
  • Highly competent specialists for Surrogacy treatment in Dharamshala
  • Sky-high Surrogacy success rates in Dharamshala
  • Contact us Email ID: [email protected]
  • Call us: +91- 9899293903

What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproductive technology (ART) where a woman, known as the surrogate, carries and gives birth to a baby on behalf of another person or couple. This arrangement allows individuals or couples who are unable to conceive and carry a pregnancy themselves to have a child.

  • Gestational Surrogacy: In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate is not genetically related to the baby she carries. The process involves in vitro fertilization (IVF), where eggs are retrieved from the intended mother or an egg donor and fertilized with sperm from the intended father or a sperm donor. The resulting embryo is then transferred into the surrogate’s uterus for gestation and childbirth. Since the surrogate is not biologically connected to the baby, she is referred to as the “gestational carrier.”
  • Traditional Surrogacy: Traditional surrogacy involves the use of the surrogate’s own eggs to conceive the child. In this method, the surrogate undergoes artificial insemination, where sperm from the intended father or a sperm donor is directly placed into her uterus. As a result, the surrogate is both the biological mother and the gestational carrier of the baby.
Surrogacy Price in Dharamshala

The Surrogacy Process: Step-by-Step Guide

Surrogacy is a complex and emotionally significant journey for all parties involved. Understanding the step-by-step process of surrogacy can help intended parents and surrogates navigate the experience with confidence and clarity.

Initial Consultation and Assessment:

Intended parents and potential surrogates meet with a surrogacy expert for an initial consultation. Clinical and mental appraisals are led to guarantee appropriateness for the surrogacy venture. The two players examine assumptions, prerequisites, and any worries they might have.

Matching Process:

The surrogacy agency or clinic matches the intended parents with a suitable surrogate based on preferences and compatibility. Profiles of intended parents and surrogates are carefully reviewed to find the best match. Communication channels are laid out for the two players to get to know one another better.

Legal Formalities:

An experienced attorney drafts a comprehensive surrogacy contract that outlines the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. Important topics like financial arrangements, medical choices, and parental rights are covered in the contract. The contract is reviewed and signed by all parties, providing legal protection for all.

Medical Procedures and Pregnancy:

The medical process begins with the stimulation of the intended mother or egg donor’s ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Eggs are retrieved and fertilized with the intended father’s sperm or donor sperm through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Whenever incipient organisms are made, they are moved into the substitute’s uterus, and pregnancy is affirmed through tests.

Birth and Post-Delivery Process:

Throughout the pregnancy, the surrogate receives medical care and support from the surrogacy clinic. Intended parents and the surrogate stay in contact, building a strong emotional connection. When the baby is born, intended parents assume legal parenthood and the surrogate is compensated as agreed upon in the contract. The surrogacy journey concludes with a joyous celebration of the new family.

IVF Cost in Dharamshala
Surrogacy Cost in Dharamshala

Surrogacy Cost in Dharamshala 

The Cost of surrogacy in Dharamshala is highly competitive, offering couples an affordable option to fulfill their dreams of parenthood. With prices starting at INR Rs 15 Lakh To Rs 18 Lakh, couples can avail themselves of comprehensive surrogacy services including medical assessments, legal procedures, surrogate compensation, and prenatal care. Dharamshala surrogacy clinics prioritize transparency and provide detailed cost breakdowns, ensuring couples have a clear understanding of expenses involved. By offering cost-effective surrogacy solutions, Dharamshala enables couples to embark on their parenthood journey with financial ease and confidence.

Surrogacy ProcedureCost (Surrogacy Package)
Surrogacy using own eggs & own spermsRs. 15 Lakh To 18 Lakh
Surrogacy by donor eggs and own spermsRs. 16 Lakh to 19 Lakh
Surrogacy with donor sperms and own eggsRs. 16 Lakh to 20 Lakh
IVF (cost) & Embryo Transfer (Cost)Up to Rs. 4 Lakh
Surrogate Mother Selection (Cost)+ Blood Tests (Cost) + Surrogate Mother Preparation (Cost)Up to Rs. 2 Lakh
Normal Vaginal Delivery CostUp to Rs. 70,000
cesarean section or C-section Delivery CostUp to Rs. 1 Lakh to 2 Lakh
Housing for Surrogate mother (Cost) + Food (Cost)Up to Rs. 3 Lakh

The success rate of Surrogacy in Dharamshala 

Surrogacy Cost in Dharamshala 

Don’t you think you are missing something? The success possibilities of surrogacy in Dharamshala. Yes, you should be aware of the success possibilities that you get through surrogacy treatment. As you are investing your time and money in treatment to achieve your desire without getting aware of success and possibilities is not good. So whenever you are having a treatment get ensured with your success possibilities through your doctors. If you want a rough idea then the table will help you. In this table, we have explained the average success possibilities of surrogacy in Dharamshala.

Surrogacy treatmentsSuccess rate of surrogacy
Surrogacy using own eggs & own sperms( gestational surrogacy)75% to 95%
Surrogacy by donor eggs and own sperms( traditional surrogacy)85% to 95%
Surrogacy with donor sperms and own eggs80 %to 90%
IVF  & Embryo Transfer 85% to 90%

There are different ways to complete surrogacy which have been explained above in the post.  Gestational surrogacy provides a 75 to 95% guarantee whereas traditional surrogacy provides more than 80 to 95% success possibilities. If the couples require it then they can go for the donor’s sperm and embryo which gives them more than 90% success possibilities. As they will get high-quality embryos that will be fertilized and survive in a uterus. 

Surrogacy Cost in Dharamshala 
Surrogacy Cost in Dharamshala 

Points need to be considered while taking surrogacy services in Dharamshala 

There are points that need to be considered before going to treatment. The Centre you are going to suggest is Select IVF which provides you with all the services that you need during treatment. The one will get well-trained staff which ensures the environment is friendly with the team of doctors including gynecologists, embryologists, and urologists. For more info read the points written below:

i. The patient-focused assistance of the Centre 

ii. Professionals with extensive education and experience

iii. Infrastructure that is well-built for maximum comfort and happiness

iv. The entire medical staff treats you with respect

v. Assists you throughout the whole process from the beginning

vi. Offers transparent fees and processes

You have the option of choosing IVF for all of these! So, reach out to us at +91- 9899293903 | Email ID: [email protected]

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Are you and your partner struggling with infertility challenges or considering a different path to parenthood? Look no further than Surrogacy Cost in Dharamshala, a viable and affordable option through Select IVF.

Due to its advantageous legal environment and reputed facilities like Select IVF that guarantee a straightforward and legally protected process for intended parents, surrogacy in Dharamshala has grown in popularity. The cost breakdown, which includes surrogate compensation, medical costs, and legal fees, is totally public.

And let’s not forget the breathtaking scenery of this serene Himalayan town, providing a nurturing environment for couples to fulfill their dreams of parenthood with the support of experienced professionals. Don’t let infertility hold you back – explore the option of surrogacy in Dharamshala today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is surrogacy legal in Dharamshala for international intended parents?

Yes, surrogacy is legal in Dharamshala for international intended parents. Dharamshala has become a popular destination for surrogacy, and the legal framework allows both domestic and international intended parents to pursue surrogacy.

How long does the entire surrogacy process usually take?

The entire surrogacy process typically takes around 12 to 18 months. The duration can vary based on factors such as legal formalities, matching process time, and the surrogate’s pregnancy term.

Are there any support groups or counseling services for intended parents and surrogates in Dharamshala?

Yes, Dharamshala often provides support groups and counseling services for intended parents and surrogates. These resources aim to offer emotional support, address concerns, and provide guidance throughout the surrogacy journey.

What are the criteria for becoming an intended parent through surrogacy in Dharamshala?

Criteria for becoming an intended parent through surrogacy in Dharamshala:
➤ Intended parents should have a genuine medical need for surrogacy, such as infertility or medical conditions that make pregnancy risky.
➤ They must meet the legal requirements set forth by Dharamshala’s surrogacy regulations.
➤ Emotional and financial preparedness for the surrogacy journey is essential.

What are the medical tests and screenings involved in the surrogacy process?

Medical tests and screenings involved in the surrogacy process:
➤ Surrogates undergo comprehensive medical evaluations, including physical and psychological assessments, to ensure their suitability for surrogacy.
➤ Intended parents may also need to undergo medical tests to assess their fertility status and ensure the success of the IVF process.

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